Jc Heavy Plant Repairs Pty Ltd is a New South Wales based Australian Private Company, its ABN was registered 23rd January 2025. It's not registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | Jc Heavy Plant Repairs Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | Not currently registered |
Company Number | ACN 683 942 476 |
Business Number | ABN 21 683 942 476 |
ABN From | 23 January 2025(1 month, 1 week ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 23 January 2025(1 month, 1 week ago) |
State | New South Wales (NSW) |
Postcode | 2330 |
Postcode Areas | Appletree Flat Big Ridge Big Yengo Bowmans Creek Bridgman Broke Bulga Camberwell Carrowbrook Clydesdale Combo Darlington Doyles Creek Dunolly Dural Dyrring Falbrook Fern Gully Fordwich Garland Valley Glendon Glendon Brook Glennies Creek Glenridding Goorangoola Gouldsville Gowrie Greenlands Hambledon Hill Hebden Howes Valley Howick Hunterview Jerrys Plains Lemington Long Point Maison Dieu Mcdougalls Hill Middle Falbrook Milbrodale Mirannie Mitchells Flat Mount Olive Mount Royal Mount Thorley Obanvale Putty Ravensworth Redbournberry Reedy Creek Rixs Creek Roughit Scotts Flat Sedgefield Singleton Singleton Dc Singleton Heights St Clair Warkworth Wattle Ponds Westbrook Whittingham Wollemi Wylies Flat |
The content on this website derives from public data sourced from the Australian Business Register (ABR). To request the removal of details, please contact the ABR about suppressing information. Subsequently, Australia Check will update automatically. The Registrar of the ABR, the Commonwealth, and this website do not assure the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided through this service, nor do they accept liability for any issues arising from its use or reliance. This information was last verified against the ABR records on 18 February 2025.