Kempsey Tyre Service Pty Ltd is a New South Wales based Australian Private Company registered 24th February 2003. It's registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | Kempsey Tyre Service Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | 1 April 2003(21 years, 11 months ago) |
Other Entity Names
TRD | Kempsey Tyre Service Pty Ltd |
BN | Nambucca Valley Tyres |
Company Number | ACN 103 850 497 |
Business Number | ABN 47 103 850 497 |
ABN From | 5 March 2003(22 years ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 27 June 2012(12 years, 8 months ago) |
State | New South Wales (NSW) |
Postcode | 2440 |
Postcode Areas | Aldavilla Austral Eden Bellbrook Bellimbopinni Belmore River Burnt Bridge Carrai Clybucca Collombatti Comara Corangula Crescent Head Deep Creek Dondingalong East Kempsey Euroka Frederickton Gladstone Greenhill Hampden Hall Hat Head Hickeys Creek Kempsey Kinchela Lower Creek Millbank Mooneba Moparrabah Mungay Creek Old Station Pola Creek Rainbow Reach Seven Oaks Sherwood Skillion Flat Smithtown South Kempsey Summer Island Temagog Toorooka Turners Flat Verges Creek West Kempsey Willawarrin Willi Willi Wittitrin Yarravel Yessabah |
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