Statewide Roofing Rail Pty Ltd is a New South Wales based Australian Private Company registered 2nd March 2011. It's registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | Statewide Roofing Rail Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | 2 March 2011(14 years ago) |
Other Entity Names
TRD | Statewide Roofing Rail |
BN | Goulburn roofing est 2010 |
Company Number | ACN 149 622 793 |
Business Number | ABN 41 149 622 793 |
ABN From | 2 March 2011(14 years ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 29 November 2019(5 years, 3 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | From 7 March 2011 to 29 November 2019Jul 2020 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Goulburn roofing est 2010 (BN)"Jul 2020 |
State | New South Wales (NSW) |
Postcode | 2580 |
Postcode Areas | Bannaby Bannister Baw Baw Boxers Creek Brisbane Grove Bungonia Carrick Chatsbury Currawang Curraweela Golspie Goulburn Goulburn Dc Goulburn North Greenwich Park Gundary Jerrong Kingsdale Lake Bathurst Lower Boro Mayfield Middle Arm Mount Fairy Mummel Myrtleville Paling Yards Parkesbourne Pomeroy Quialigo Richlands Roslyn Run-o-waters Stonequarry Tarago Taralga Tarlo Tirrannaville Towrang Wayo Wiarborough Windellama Wombeyan Caves Woodhouselee Yalbraith Yarra |
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