Clubmaster Pty Ltd is a Queensland based Australian Private Company registered 7th February 2012. It's not registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | Clubmaster Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | Not currently registered |
Company Number | ACN 155 547 756 |
Business Number | ABN 86 155 547 756 |
ABN From | 7 February 2012(13 years, 1 month ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 10 June 2019(5 years, 9 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | From 16 December 2014 to 10 June 2019Jul 2020 |
Postcode | From 4069 to 4306Jul 2020 |
State | Queensland (QLD) |
Postcode | 4306 |
Postcode Areas | Amberley Avoca Vale Banks Creek Barellan Point Benarkin Benarkin North Blackbutt Blackbutt North Blackbutt South Blacksoil Borallon Cherry Creek Chuwar Colinton Deebing Heights Dundas England Creek Fairney View Fernvale Gilla Glamorgan Vale Googa Creek Goolman Haigslea Harlin Ironbark Karalee Karana Downs Karrabin Kholo Lake Manchester Lark Hill Linville Moore Mount Binga Mount Crosby Mount Marrow Mount Stanley Muirlea Nukku Peak Crossing Pine Mountain Purga Ripley South Ripley Split Yard Creek Swanbank Taromeo Teelah Thagoona Vernor Walloon Wanora Washpool White Rock Willowbank Wivenhoe Pocket |
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