Iron Maintenance Pty Ltd is a Queensland based Australian Private Company, its ABN was registered 13th August 2020. It's registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | Iron Maintenance Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | 13 August 2020(4 years, 7 months ago) |
Company Number | ACN 643 472 280 |
Business Number | ABN 91 643 472 280 |
ABN From | 13 August 2020(4 years, 7 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 24 September 2020(4 years, 5 months ago) |
State | Queensland (QLD) |
Postcode | 4740 |
Postcode Areas | Alexandra Alligator Creek Andergrove Bakers Creek Balberra Balnagowan Beaconsfield Belmunda Blacks Beach Cape Hillsborough Chelona Cremorne Dolphin Heads Dumbleton Dundula Dunnrock East Mackay Eimeo Erakala Foulden Glenella Grasstree Beach Habana Haliday Bay Hay Point Homebush Mackay Mackay Caneland Mackay Dc Mackay Harbour Mackay North Mackay South Mackay West Mcewens Beach Mount Jukes Mount Pleasant Munbura Nindaroo North Mackay Ooralea Paget Racecourse Richmond Rosella Rural View Sandiford Slade Point South Mackay Te Kowai The Leap West Mackay |
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