S N A Medicals Pty Ltd is a Queensland based Australian Private Company registered 27th May 2015. It's registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | S N A Medicals Pty Ltd |
Previous Business Name | SNA Medicals Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | 1 July 2015(9 years, 8 months ago) |
Company Number | ACN 606 088 322 |
Business Number | ABN 86 606 088 322 |
ABN From | 27 May 2015(9 years, 9 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 13 January 2021(4 years, 1 month ago) |
ABN Last Updated | From 24 November 2015 to 13 January 2021Mar 2021 |
Entity Name | From "SNA Medicals Pty Ltd" to "S N A Medicals Pty Ltd"Mar 2021 |
State | Queensland (QLD) |
Postcode | 4655 |
Postcode Areas | Booral Bunya Creek Craignish Dundowran Dundowran Beach Eli Waters Great Sandy Strait Hervey Bay Hervey Bay Dc Kawungan Kingfisher Bay Resort Nikenbah Pialba Point Vernon River Heads Scarness Sunshine Acres Susan River Takura Toogoom Torquay Urangan Urraween Walliebum Walligan Wondunna |
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