Dramet Pty Ltd is a South Australia based Australian Private Company registered 15th June 2004. It's registered for GST.

Entity Info

Business NameDramet Pty Ltd
Entity TypeAustralian Private Company
GST Registered1 July 2004(20 years, 8 months ago)

Other Entity Names

TRDCaboolture Supa Iga
OTNAldinga Foodland
OTNAllenbey Gardens Foodland
OTNAngle Vale Foodland
OTNAshmore Supa Iga
OTNBiggera Waters Supa Iga
OTNBrookside Supa Iga
OTNBurleigh Supa Iga
OTNCastle Plaza Foodland
OTNChinchilla Supa Iga
OTNFindon Foodland
OTNFlockton Supa Iga
OTNKingscrote Foodland
OTNMcDowall Supa Iga
OTNNorth Lakes Supa Iga
OTNPara Vista Foodland
OTNParkinson Supa Iga
OTNRochedale Supa Iga
OTNRoyal Park Foodland
OTNSamford Supa Iga
OTNWynnum Supa Iga
BNDrakes Aldinga
BNDrakes Allenby Gardens
BNDrakes Angle Vale
BNDrakes Ashmore
BNDrakes Castle Plaza
BNDrakes Findon
BNDrakes Glenmore
BNDrakes Gympie
BNDrakes Kingscote
BNDrakes Parkinson
BNDrakes Port Lincoln
BNDrakes Pumicestone
BNDrakes Rochedale
BNDrakes Royal Park
BNDrakes Toowoomba
BNDrakes Winston Glades
BNGladstone Supa IGA
BNOrmeau Supa IGA
BNRosewood Supa - Iga
BNSun Valley Supa IGA


Company NumberACN 109 544 425
Business NumberABN 59 109 544 425
ABN From1 July 2004(20 years, 8 months ago)
ABN Last Updated18 March 2021(4 years ago)


ABN Last UpdatedFrom 8 January 2016 to 6 December 2016Apr 2017
Other Entity NamesAdded "Caboolture Fruit Shed (BN)" and removed "Drake's Supa Iga - McDowall (BN)"Apr 2017
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 6 December 2016 to 19 October 2017Oct 2017
Other Entity NamesAdded "Wayville Foodland (BN)"Oct 2017
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 19 October 2017 to 16 February 2018Feb 2018
Other Entity NamesRemoved "Wayville Foodland (BN)"Feb 2018
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 16 February 2018 to 8 March 2018Mar 2018
Other Entity NamesRemoved "Wynnum Supa IGA (BN)"Mar 2018
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 8 March 2018 to 2 May 2018May 2018
Other Entity NamesAdded "Wynnum Supa IGA (BN)"May 2018
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 2 May 2018 to 10 May 2018May 2018
Other Entity NamesRemoved "Wynnum Supa IGA (BN)"May 2018
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 10 May 2018 to 7 April 2020Jul 2020
Other Entity NamesAdded "Drakes Aldinga (BN)", "Drakes Allenby Gardens (BN)", "Drakes Angle Vale (BN)", "Drakes Ashmore (BN)", "Drakes Castle Plaza (BN)", "Drakes Findon (BN)", "Drakes Glenmore (BN)", "Drakes Gympie (BN)", "Drakes Kingscote (BN)", "Drakes Parkinson (BN)", "Drakes Port Lincoln (BN)", "Drakes Pumicestone (BN)", "Drakes Rochedale (BN)", "Drakes Royal Park (BN)", "Drakes Toowoomba (BN)", "Drakes Winston Glades (BN)" and removed "Aldinga Foodland (BN)", "Allenby Gardens Foodland (BN)", "Ashmore Supa IGA (BN)", "Caboolture Fruit Shed (BN)", "Findon Foodland (BN)", "Glenmore Supa IGA (BN)", "Gympie Supa IGA (BN)", "Parkinson Supa IGA (BN)", "Port Lincoln Foodland (BN)", "Rochedale Supa IGA (BN)", "Royal Park Foodland (BN)", "Toowoomba Supa IGA (BN)", "Winston Glades Supa IGA (BN)"Jul 2020
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 7 April 2020 to 12 November 2020Jan 2021
Other Entity NamesRemoved "Angle Vale Foodland Iga (BN)", "Kangaroo Island Foodland Iga (BN)"Jan 2021
ABN Last UpdatedFrom 12 November 2020 to 18 March 2021Apr 2021
Other Entity NamesRemoved "Castle Plaza Foodland (BN)"Apr 2021


StateSouth Australia (SA)
Postcode AreasMile End
Mile End South
Torrensville Plaza

The content on this website derives from public data sourced from the Australian Business Register (ABR). To request the removal of details, please contact the ABR about suppressing information. Subsequently, Australia Check will update automatically. The Registrar of the ABR, the Commonwealth, and this website do not assure the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided through this service, nor do they accept liability for any issues arising from its use or reliance. This information was last verified against the ABR records on 11 March 2025.