Telstra Limited is a Victoria based Australian Public Company registered 5th February 1999. It's registered for GST.
Entity Info
Entity Name | Telstra Limited |
Previous Entity Name | Network Design And Construction Limited |
Entity Type | Australian Public Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | 1 July 2000(24 years, 8 months ago) |
Other Entity Names
TRD | Network Design and Constructionlimited |
OTN | Network Design & Construction Ltd |
OTN | Network Design and Constructionlimited |
BN | Atherton Telstra Store |
BN | Automotive Alliance |
BN | Ayr Telstra Store |
BN | Baldivis Telstra Store |
BN | Bateau Bay Telstra Store |
BN | Batemans Bay Telstra Store |
BN | Bellerive Telstra Store |
BN | Belmont Forum Telstra Store |
BN | Belong Broadband |
BN | Bigpond |
BN | Biloela Telstra Store |
BN | Bribie Island Telstra Store |
BN | Bundaberg Hinkler Central Telstra Store |
BN | Bundaberg Telstra Store |
BN | Burnie Telstra Store |
BN | Busselton Telstra Store |
BN | Caneland Telstra Store |
BN | Castletown Telstra Store |
BN | Channel Court Telstra Store |
BN | Chermside Telstra Store |
BN | Code Club Australia |
BN | Eaton Fair Telstra Store |
BN | Echuca Telstra Store |
BN | Ellenbrook Telstra Store |
BN | Erina Fair Telstra Store |
BN | Geraldton Telstra Store |
BN | Glenorchy Telstra Store |
BN | Goulburn Telstra Store |
BN | Gungahlin Telstra Store |
BN | Halls Head Telstra Store |
BN | Hobart Cat & Fiddle Telstra Store |
BN | Hornsby Telstra Store |
BN | Karratha Telstra Store |
BN | Kin Kora Telstra Store |
BN | Kingaroy Telstra Store |
BN | Kippa-Ring Telstra Store |
BN | Macarthur Square Telstra Store |
BN | Maddington Telstra Store |
BN | Mandurah Telstra Store |
BN | Marketown Telstra Store |
BN | Maroochydore Telstra Store |
BN | Midland Gate Telstra Store |
BN | Mirrabooka Telstra Store |
BN | Moranbah Telstra Store |
BN | Mount Pleasant Telstra Store |
BN | MT Isa Telstra Store |
BN | MT Ommaney Telstra Store |
BN | Narellan Telstra Store |
BN | Nepean Telstra Store |
BN | Noosa Civic Telstra Store |
BN | Nowra Telstra Store |
BN | Ocean Keys Telstra Store |
BN | Orange Telstra Store |
BN | Phonewatch |
BN | Rockhampton Telstra Store |
BN | Roma Telstra Store |
BN | Rouse Hill Telstra Store |
BN | Sale Telstra Store |
BN | Shellharbour Telstra Store |
BN | Shepparton (Maude Street) Telstra Store |
BN | Shepparton Market Place Telstra Store |
BN | Singleton Telstra Store |
BN | South Hedland Telstra Store |
BN | Specialised Recoveries Services |
BN | St Ives Telstra Store |
BN | Stockland Townsville Telstra Store |
BN | Success Telstra Store |
BN | Telecom Australia |
BN | Telstra |
BN | Telstra Business and Enterprise |
BN | Telstra Business Centre - Bundaberg |
BN | Telstra Centro Warwick |
BN | Telstra Country Wide |
BN | Telstra Emerald |
BN | Telstra Esperance |
BN | Telstra Fremantle |
BN | Telstra Global |
BN | Telstra Learning Academy |
BN | Telstra Licensed Shop |
BN | Telstra Licensed Shop - Toowoomba |
BN | Telstra Store Bunbury |
BN | Telstra Store Dalby |
BN | Telstra Store Rockingham |
BN | Telstra Traralgon |
BN | Telstra Warragul |
BN | Telstra's Kids Fund |
BN | Top Ryde Telstra Store |
BN | Townsville Willows Telstra Store |
BN | Tuggerah Telstra Store |
BN | Wagga Wagga Telstra Store |
BN | Warrawong Telstra Store |
BN | Warriewood Telstra Store |
BN | Warwick Telstra Store |
BN | Winston Hills Telstra Store |
BN | Wonthaggi Telstra Store |
BN | Wynnum Telstra Store |
BN | Yeppoon Telstra Store |
Company Number | ACN 086 174 781 |
Business Number | ABN 64 086 174 781 |
ABN From | 23 February 2000(25 years ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 26 August 2023(1 year, 6 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | From 1 July 2015 to 9 June 2021Jul 2021 |
Entity Name | From "Network Design And Construction Limited" to "Telstra Limited"Jul 2021 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Telstra (BN)"Jul 2021 |
ABN Last Updated | From 9 June 2021 to 21 August 2021Aug 2021 |
Other Entity Names | Removed "Telstra (BN)"Aug 2021 |
ABN Last Updated | From 21 August 2021 to 8 November 2022Nov 2022 |
State | From NSW to VICNov 2022 |
Postcode | From 2000 to 3000Nov 2022 |
ABN Last Updated | From 8 November 2022 to 9 June 2023Jun 2023 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Atherton Telstra Store (BN)", "Ayr Telstra Store (BN)", "Batemans Bay Telstra Store (BN)", "Belong Broadband (BN)", "Bigpond (BN)", "Biloela Telstra Store (BN)", "Bundaberg Hinkler Central Telstra Store (BN)", "Bundaberg Telstra Store (BN)", "Burnie Telstra Store (BN)", "Busselton Telstra Store (BN)", "Channel Court Telstra Store (BN)", "Code Club Australia (BN)", "Ellenbrook Telstra Store (BN)", "Goulburn Telstra Store (BN)", "Kingaroy Telstra Store (BN)", "Kippa-Ring Telstra Store (BN)", "Maddington Telstra Store (BN)", "Midland Gate Telstra Store (BN)", "Mirrabooka Telstra Store (BN)", "Moranbah Telstra Store (BN)", "MT Isa Telstra Store (BN)", "MT Ommaney Telstra Store (BN)", "Noosa Civic Telstra Store (BN)", "Orange Telstra Store (BN)", "Phonewatch (BN)", "Shellharbour Telstra Store (BN)", "Specialised Recoveries Services (BN)", "Stockland Townsville Telstra Store (BN)", "Telecom Australia (BN)", "Telstra (BN)", "Telstra Business And Enterprise (BN)", "Telstra Centro Warwick (BN)", "Telstra Country Wide (BN)", "Telstra Emerald (BN)", "Telstra Esperance (BN)", "Telstra Fremantle (BN)", "Telstra Global (BN)", "Telstra Learning Academy (BN)", "Telstra Licensed Shop (BN)", "Telstra Traralgon (BN)", "Telstra Warragul (BN)", "Wagga Wagga Telstra Store (BN)", "Warrawong Telstra Store (BN)", "Warwick Telstra Store (BN)", "Wonthaggi Telstra Store (BN)", "Yeppoon Telstra Store (BN)"Jun 2023 |
ABN Last Updated | From 9 June 2023 to 15 June 2023Jun 2023 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Bellerive Telstra Store (BN)", "Castletown Telstra Store (BN)", "Glenorchy Telstra Store (BN)"Jun 2023 |
ABN Last Updated | From 15 June 2023 to 28 July 2023Aug 2023 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Bribie Island Telstra Store (BN)", "Caneland Telstra Store (BN)", "Hobart Cat & Fiddle Telstra Store (BN)", "Karratha Telstra Store (BN)", "Kin Kora Telstra Store (BN)", "Macarthur Square Telstra Store (BN)", "Maroochydore Telstra Store (BN)", "Mount Pleasant Telstra Store (BN)", "Ocean Keys Telstra Store (BN)", "Rockhampton Telstra Store (BN)", "South Hedland Telstra Store (BN)", "Telstra Business Centre - Bundaberg (BN)", "Telstra Licensed Shop - Toowoomba (BN)", "Telstra Store Bunbury (BN)", "Telstra Store Dalby (BN)", "Telstra Store Rockingham (BN)", "Townsville Willows Telstra Store (BN)", "Tuggerah Telstra Store (BN)"Aug 2023 |
ABN Last Updated | From 28 July 2023 to 2 August 2023Aug 2023 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Baldivis Telstra Store (BN)", "Belmont Forum Telstra Store (BN)", "Eaton Fair Telstra Store (BN)", "Echuca Telstra Store (BN)", "Erina Fair Telstra Store (BN)", "Geraldton Telstra Store (BN)", "Gungahlin Telstra Store (BN)", "Halls Head Telstra Store (BN)", "Hornsby Telstra Store (BN)", "Mandurah Telstra Store (BN)", "Narellan Telstra Store (BN)", "Nowra Telstra Store (BN)", "Roma Telstra Store (BN)", "Rouse Hill Telstra Store (BN)", "Sale Telstra Store (BN)", "Shepparton (Maude Street) Telstra Store (BN)", "Shepparton Market Place Telstra Store (BN)", "Singleton Telstra Store (BN)", "Success Telstra Store (BN)", "Top Ryde Telstra Store (BN)", "Warriewood Telstra Store (BN)", "Winston Hills Telstra Store (BN)", "Wynnum Telstra Store (BN)"Aug 2023 |
ABN Last Updated | From 2 August 2023 to 9 August 2023Aug 2023 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Bateau Bay Telstra Store (BN)", "Chermside Telstra Store (BN)", "Marketown Telstra Store (BN)", "Nepean Telstra Store (BN)", "St Ives Telstra Store (BN)"Aug 2023 |
ABN Last Updated | From 9 August 2023 to 26 August 2023Aug 2023 |
Other Entity Names | Added "Automotive Alliance (BN)", "Telstra's Kids Fund (BN)"Aug 2023 |
State | Victoria (VIC) |
Postcode | 3000 |
Postcode Area | Melbourne |
The content on this website derives from public data sourced from the Australian Business Register (ABR). To request the removal of details, please contact the ABR about suppressing information. Subsequently, Australia Check will update automatically. The Registrar of the ABR, the Commonwealth, and this website do not assure the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided through this service, nor do they accept liability for any issues arising from its use or reliance. This information was last verified against the ABR records on 11 March 2025.