Albany Tuna Pty Ltd is a Western Australia based Australian Private Company registered 11th April 2002. It's registered for GST.
Entity Info
Business Name | Albany Tuna Pty Ltd |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company |
Status | Active |
GST Registered | 15 March 2019(6 years ago) |
Other Entity Names
TRD | Albany Tuna Pty Ltd |
Company Number | ACN 100 190 109 |
Business Number | ABN 69 100 190 109 |
ABN From | 1 July 2002(22 years, 9 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | 28 June 2019(5 years, 8 months ago) |
ABN Last Updated | From 28 April 2008 to 28 June 2019Jul 2020 |
State | Western Australia (WA) |
Postcode | 6330 |
Postcode Areas | Albany Bayonet Head Big Grove Bornholm Centennial Park Collingwood Heights Collingwood Park Cuthbert Drome Elleker Emu Point Frenchman Bay Gledhow Goode Beach Green Valley Kalgan King River Kronkup Lange Little Grove Lockyer Lower King Lowlands Marbelup Mckail Middleton Beach Millbrook Milpara Mira Mar Mount Clarence Mount Elphinstone Mount Melville Nanarup Napier Nullaki Orana Port Albany Robinson Sandpatch Seppings Spencer Park Torbay Torndirrup Vancouver Peninsula Walmsley Warrenup West Cape Howe Willyung Yakamia Youngs Siding |
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